General Management
Management of consultants and vendors, including district operators, landscape contractor, lake maintenance and storm water consultants, and general maintenance contractors
Agency coordination with city and county departments, Offices of Emergency Management, neighboring districts, and HOAs
Professional and timely board book and report production
Assist with developer-to-board transition of maintenance responsibilities
Engineering and Construction
Manage studies, design, and construction of engineering and construction projects
Preparation of Bid Specifications, Requests for Proposals, and Requests for Qualifications documents
Project planning and construction sequencing
Troubled project recovery and strategic project delivery
Contract and change order negotiations
Maintenance and Capital Improvement
Asset inspection, repairs, and maintenance
Development of maintenance standards and specifications
Implementation of CIP program and development of CIP schedules
Parks, Common Areas & Landscaping
Park and common area inspections and management
Oversight of park related projects
Irrigation system management
Mapping and Aerial Photography
GIS mapping services including asset mapping and location based work orders
Professional aerial drone imagery services including surveys, inspections, photography, and videography
Public Outreach
Website, newsletter, and marketing material development
Prepare content for websites and newsletters
Organize and plan public meetings and events
Customer service
Preparation of O&M and capital project budgets
Review of consultant and vendor invoices
Cashflow management and financial forecasting
Work with Financial Advisor to develop project funding options
Reserve Studies
Sign and Right-of-Way Permitting and Ordinance
Insurance Appraisals
Expert Witness and Litigation Support